Datei:Tautochrone curve.gif
Tautochrone_curve.gif (300 × 200 Pixel, Dateigröße: 102 KB, MIME-Typ: image/gif, Endlosschleife, 80 Bilder, 3,2 s)
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BeschreibungTautochrone curve.gif |
A tautochrone curve is the curve for which the time taken by an object sliding without friction in uniform gravity to its lowest point is independent of its starting point. Here, four points at different positions reach the bottom at the same time. In the graphic, s represents arc length, t represents time, and the blue arrows represent acceleration along the trajectory. As the points reach the horizontal, the velocity becomes constant, the arc length being linear to time. |
Datum | 9. Mai 2007; new version August 2009 |
Quelle | Eigenes Werk |
Urheber |
Claudio Rocchini |
GIF‑Erstellung InfoField | Dieser Plot wurde mit Matplotlib erstellt. |
Quelltext InfoField | Python code#!/usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
animation of balls on a tautochrone curve
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from matplotlib import animation
from math import *
# settings
fname = 'Tautochrone curve'
width, height = 300, 200
nframes = 80
balls = [
{'a':1.0, 'color':'#0000c0'},
{'a':0.8, 'color':'#c00000'},
{'a':0.6, 'color':'#00c000'},
{'a':0.4, 'color':'#c0c000'}]
def curve(phi):
x = phi + sin(phi)
y = 1.0 - cos(phi)
return np.array([x, y])
def animate(nframe, empty=False):
t = nframe / float(nframes - 1.)
# prepare a clean and image-filling canvas for each frame
fig = plt.gcf()
ax_canvas = plt.gca()
ax_canvas.set_position((0, 0, 1, 1))
ax_canvas.set_xlim(0, width)
ax_canvas.set_ylim(0, height)
# draw the ramp
x0, y0 = 293, 8
h = 182
npoints = 200
points = []
for i in range(npoints):
phi = i / (npoints - 1.0) * pi - pi
x, y = h/2. * curve(phi) + np.array([x0, y0])
points.append([x, y])
rampline = patches.Polygon(points, closed=False, facecolor='none',
edgecolor='black', linewidth=1.5, capstyle='butt')
points += [[x0-h*pi/2, y0], [x0-h*pi/2, y0+h]]
ramp = patches.Polygon(points, closed=True, facecolor='#c0c0c0', edgecolor='none')
# plot axes
plotw = 0.5
ax_plot = fig.add_axes((0.47, 0.46, plotw, plotw*2/pi*width/height))
ax_plot.set_xlim(0, 1)
ax_plot.set_ylim(0, 1)
for b in balls:
time_array = np.linspace(0, 1, 201)
phi_pendulum_array = (1 - b['a'] * np.cos(time_array*pi/2))
ax_plot.plot(time_array, phi_pendulum_array, '-', color=b['color'], lw=.8)
for b in balls:
# draw the balls
phi_pendulum = b['a'] * -cos(t * pi/2)
phi_wheel = 2 * asin(phi_pendulum)
phi_wheel = -abs(phi_wheel)
x, y = h/2. * curve(phi_wheel) + np.array([x0, y0])
ax_canvas.add_patch(patches.Circle((x, y), radius=6., zorder=3,
facecolor=b['color'], edgecolor='black'))
ax_plot.plot([t], [1 + phi_pendulum], '.', ms=6., mec='none', mfc='black')
v = h/2. * np.array([1 + cos(phi_wheel), sin(phi_wheel)])
vnorm = v / hypot(v[0], v[1])
# in the harmonic motion, acceleration is proportional to -position
acc_along_line = 38. * -phi_pendulum * vnorm
ax_canvas.arrow(x, y, acc_along_line[0], acc_along_line[1],
head_width=6, head_length=6, fc='#1b00ff', ec='#1b00ff')
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width/100., height/100.))
print 'saving', fname + '.gif'
#anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=nframes) + '.gif', writer='imagemagick', fps=fps)
frames = []
for nframe in range(nframes):
frame = fname + '_{:02}.png'.format(nframe)
animation.FuncAnimation(fig, lambda n: animate(nframe), frames=1).save(
frame, writer='imagemagick')
# assemble animation using imagemagick, this avoids dithering and huge filesize
os.system('convert -delay {} +dither +remap -layers Optimize {} "{}"'.format(
100//fps, ' '.join(['"' + f + '"' for f in frames]), fname + '.gif'))
for frame in frames:
if os.path.exists(frame):
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Version vom | Vorschaubild | Maße | Benutzer | Kommentar | |
aktuell | 14:15, 1. Aug. 2009 | 300 × 200 (102 KB) | wikimediacommons>Geek3 | new physically correct version |
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